Hyper-Striped Running Socks Collection

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One of our best sellers and favorites of joggers and runners worldwide, the popular CF2, is now in limited edition form. This exclusive—and going fast—special edition of the CF2 features stripes of every color. Embrace your monochromatic love, dip into a berry colorway, go green, choose a flash of neon or show off being part of the Skully Wool crew—whichever you love, we've got these going-fast socks ready to change your running!

Our striped running socks were engineered and created by two running brothers who were utterly dissatisfied with the quality and options of socks out there for athletics of all levels. Frustrated with socks that unraveled within days, had holes appear after being worn once, or elastic that slumped within seconds, these two decided they would create running socks for runners, by runners.

Each of our striped running socks in this collection is a work of passion and dedication to creating the best pair of athletic socks you'll ever need. Patented CF2 technology behind innovative mesh venting melded with the best of Flowtek™ channels means you can say goodbye to slippy, slidey, sweaty feet that can cause skin issues and blisters. Moisture and heat build-up are wicked away from your foot, keeping you steady and comfortable. With our unique Max Arch support weave, the CF2 striped running socks will remain snug, never causing you to stop to have to pull them up at the worst moments.

With our one-of-a-kind blend of superior materials, you'll also notice comfort and true-fit beyond what you may have ever experienced. To ensure that you always get the proper fit for your socks, or perhaps the perfect gift fit, make sure to take a look at our handy size chart that will help you find the right pair every time.

If you love these stripes, get them while they last, as these are our limited special edition of the CF2, meaning once they're gone, they are likely gone forever! Have questions about these FitSoks or any of our products? Feel free to reach out to us at any time. Our customer service team would love to assist you in getting you back up and #running.